
Monday, October 7, 2019

Million Mask March 2019 event list

Anonymous Million Mask March 2019 event list (Will be updated as we confirm more locations) 

This is a full list of confirmed street events. We advise not to use any other places to get your information. Do you want to know if there is an event close to you? Find most event pages on Facebook and Twitter by typing "million mask march yourcity". Many organizers are also coming together in a Discord server: You can join there and meet other activists from your area. Also, times and locations might change last minute. Make sure you stay updated at the event pages listed. We understand many #Anonymous deleted #Facebook, but you can visit the event pages without having an account. Stay safe guys, let's make history together.

Events organized by #Anonymous HERE.


  1. Please save India. There is corruption everywhere. The government is killing innocent people in Kashmir. And none of minorities is save.
    Please save us from this government.
    Please help.
    We expect to you.
