
Monday, January 14, 2019

ACTA is back! What is it? #StopActa2

Despite the fact that this video is from 2012, its reality still strikes us today. According to the Article 13 of ACTA 2.0 (The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) pro-censorship law, internet providers will be able to decide the content of their users through upload filters. The provider will control and censor through checking all online activities of users on every uploaded video, photo, text.

Article 11 introduces a type of tax on links. Whenever we publish a link online, anywhere, we will have to pay for it to the original owner of it. It means we will be charged for any source we use or there will be difficulties using them by copyrights claimed on them. They include anything by threatening to destroy the internet culture, including music and memes, our collective culture as the World.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

#OpFrance: Anonymous strikes back the Government of French

We are the rebellion against an authoritarian society, against isolation and competition. We are the rebellion for another social and cultural reality. In the wake of global liberation attempts, the time is ripe for a decisive struggle that would no longer accept the pseudo-natural legitimacy of the system and seriously want to overcome it. We are looking for change for the liberation struggle, for a new way in which we can connect with others.

We will never forget the comrades, we want to especially remember those who decided to give everything in the struggle and died in it. Our memory and our full respect for those whose names we can not name because we do not know them.

We are Autonomen,
We are Ungovernable,
We are Action,
We do not forget our comrades,
Salut Anonymous Anarchist Agency