
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Anonymous Releases Trumps Personal Information

Some of this information was already leaked on the Internet since last year.


  1. Damn Daniel, Back at it again hacking.

    1. Get em out..Get em out!! Go get em out

  2. Replies
    1. One doesn't have to be a supporter of anybody to go after Trump. Trump is poisoning society's water. I for one, welcome Anonymous' attack on the monster created by the Republican Party.

    2. If it comes down to Clinton vs. Trump, I will vote Trump. Not because I WANT to - This is a big problem with America and we need to change it! I absolutely refuse to vote Clinton - Wouldn't the government just love to disarm it's citizens so we can be helpless against them.

      I hope the group anonymous will expose the governments corruption to enough people that it will cause a civil war. Things need to change, it is pathetic that everything is covered up and we don't know the difference because there aren't enough organizations such as this that can band together, obtain confidential information and expose it.

      I would love to participate - currently working on my CCNA point me to the hidden path

      Keep Going! - AnonFan!

  3. In the past, depending on who one asks, they would have received one of two answers regarding the motives of Anonymous. These being either "I did it for the lulz" or some bullshit about securing a future for generations to come free from oppressive government rule. Because Anon has no face or name, its actions could not be truly justified or understood.
    Of course, that was in the past. As noted in the beginning of this article, Anonymous is a sad shell of its former self. The only motivation it has now is to turn the entire internet into a collective hugbox, removing any and all lulz, and making it a Safe Space that Anita Sarkeesian and Brianna Wu would be proud to call home. R.I.P., Old Anonymous

    1. Will they also be dealing with the deep web??

  4. They're in the computer!

  5. A regular person won't find it have I said enough

  6. This is terrorism. I was under the assumption that Anonymous was a white hat group. After releasing names and addresses of police officers and their families and children, and donald trump's social security number for all to commit identity theft. It is apparent that this group is a domestic terror organization. Innocent children, addresses exposed to every criminal their parent had ever arrested. To make matters worse, at least 2 Anonymous members have verified youtube accounts. Yet the government will not make arrests. A formerly verified Anon. twitter account claims jokes that they have FBI ties. Criminal terrorists need to be brought to justice. Endangering lives isn't funny, You guys are sick twisted little fucks that will be brought to justice.

    1. Don't really see how this qualifies as terrorism. True its done for political reasons (keeping trump out of office), but there isn't violence and if they want to intimidate trump releasing the info (whether accurate or not) kind of throws away the card they had in play. The morality of releasing his info is questionable yes. To declare this an act of terrorism? Thats just using a volatile word to damn the guys who've done this.

    2. ^Also it's all public information except for his cell phone number, but I seem to remember him releasing someone else's number and his supporters acting like it was the greatest thing ever, so id say anonymous is upholding their whole karmic vengeance thing pretty well.

  7. Oh Shut up Anonymous! Go hack Hillary and Obamas files, the real criminals.

    1. Advocate commiting war crimes? Hillary commited a crime leaving 4 Americans dead in Benghazi. That's a crime. Id say the "Bernie" supporters are the uneducated people. Just sayin...

    2. Advocate commiting war crimes? Hillary commited a crime leaving 4 Americans dead in Benghazi. That's a crime. Id say the "Bernie" supporters are the uneducated people. Just sayin...

  8. You declare WAR on Trump and this is it? most pathetic declaration of war ive ever seen

  9. As Trump points out, he is astonishingly well-liked. Someone resetting the "like" counter on his Facebook page is, for him, an unthinkable nightmare. But don't do it Anonymous! It would be "far worse" than waterboarding - and beneath human dignity.

  10. How do you hack pen and paper?

    Does Trump himself even own a computer? He gets others to instagram and tweet for him. I doubt he does any online banking, types his letters on a typewriter (and uses white out to correct his mistakes) and watches porn on VHS.

  11. Anonymous as a movement is very much dead indeed.

  12. Donald Trump did this video himself . Another ploy to use the media for Trump .

  13. Remind me never to piss ya off cant stand trump

  14. Remind me never to piss ya off cant stand trump

  15. Dumbest Video ive ever wasted my time watching, "They didn't cross the border the border crossed them" hahahahaha "everyones free choice to migrate for a better life??" you lost me to laughter when you started spitting that nonsense good luck trying to win support from real tax paying working American citizens with that garbage lmao


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  19. Great Job Anonymous

  20. Anonymous = Better then Mike Brown

  21. A Mission Impossible job.

  22. I used to like you when you went after the bad guys who KILLED people. Trump is just voicing his OPINION! Can't anyone have an opinion anymore without being persecuted? Leftist compassion at it's finest.

  23. so when are the antiTrump people going to kill Trump?
    if you can't beat them, kill them

    1. Not all, Assassinate Trump. Then when the new president gets elected, Someone needs to make a statement that the Hate Groups: Neo-nazis, White supremacists, KKK racists. are a growing threat to what our country was founded and stands for, FREEDOM. IT'S BEEN OVER 100 YEARS and more since the civil war. Those inhuman fuckers are still at it. We turned an eye and now Trump, the Hitler reincarnate, has brought them out by his ignorant, arrogant, hateful speeches. Once he loses and we have a new president, we need to address this issue, a cancer of hate, oppression, and discrimination just waiting to erupt.
      Someone needs to go to congress and say we need to deal with the hate groups in order to prevent the fall of Americas Moral Values of Freedom. Then the action is to investigate, weed out, round up, relocate and isolate them from the US. Probably somewhere between US. & Mexico. It'll be a difficult process, but We can't just KILL like those sorry excuses of human beings. Let them reap what they sow. But crippling them o a point of no return is an exception.
      I just hope whoever plans to assassinate D.Trump is a good shot with a sniper. Either way I don't think he'll be President. Even if he does somehow, he'll screw everyone over and he won't last long. Either way He needs to go.
      Until then we can just live our lives It doesn't affect me nor my family members but His policy on the walls, punishment for women,etc. etc. are inhumane, void of reason & some might say EVIL. I'm worried that people will vote out of fear.
      I'm not a political fanatic even if I was I'd side w. the Democrats. I found myself worried for & pity the Republicans.
      also found myself looking at the picture and slogan of our founding fathers, A. Lincoln & George Washington. They warned us of this kind of threat. I wish they here now I know they wouldn't stand for this.
      Please share this with other Anonymous people.


  24. I very much enjoy this and I hope it gets more intense

  25. Anonymous get your facts straight. The native American Indian occupied the lands of Mexico and the United States well before Mexico or the United States existed. Your statement about the border having been moved is so out of touch with how it is nations have formed. In fact, the soil beneath your feet was once occupied by other peoples.

  26. What have you ever actually achieved? I have only seen FAILURE from the anon group.

  27. "Anonymous masks" lul

  28. AnonymousApril 23, 2016 at 12:21 PM
    Not all, Assassinate Trump. Then when the new president gets elected, Someone needs to make a statement that the Hate Groups: Neo-nazis, White supremacists, KKK racists. are a growing threat to what our country was founded and stands for, FREEDOM. IT'S BEEN OVER 100 YEARS and more since the civil war. Those inhuman fuckers are still at it. We turned an eye and now Trump, the Hitler reincarnate, has brought them out by his ignorant, arrogant, hateful speeches. Once he loses and we have a new president, we need to address this issue, a cancer of hate, oppression, and discrimination just waiting to erupt.
    Someone needs to go to congress and say we need to deal with the hate groups in order to prevent the fall of Americas Moral Values of Freedom. Then the action is to investigate, weed out, round up, relocate and isolate them from the US. Probably somewhere between US. & Mexico. It'll be a difficult process, but We can't just KILL like those sorry excuses of human beings. Let them reap what they sow. But crippling them o a point of no return is an exception.
    I just hope whoever plans to assassinate D.Trump is a good shot with a sniper. Either way I don't think he'll be President. Even if he does somehow, he'll screw everyone over and he won't last long. Either way He needs to go.
    Until then we can just live our lives It doesn't affect me nor my family members but His policy on the walls, punishment for women,etc. etc. are inhumane, void of reason & some might say EVIL. I'm worried that people will vote out of fear.
    I'm not a political fanatic even if I was I'd side w. the Democrats. I found myself worried for & pity the Republicans.
    also found myself looking at the picture and slogan of our founding fathers, A. Lincoln & George Washington. They warned us of this kind of threat. I wish they here now I know they wouldn't stand for this.
    Please share this with other Anonymous people.


  29. Trump deserves our wrath.
    Soon, we will be globally known.
    Soon, we will be feared much more.

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