
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Turkish military school has been hacked by Anonymous - #OpTurkey

Havajet aviation school students and all other information was seized by us.

Some of the information. Details: here.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

PoliticShit: Italian Democratic Party Sites Hacked

Il Partito Democratico "PD" nasce nel 2007 per le elezioni primarie italiane. Un partito nuovo, giovane e dinamico, apero a nuove idee... si? O forse un partito nato dalle indagini di "OP Mani Pulite" della procura di Milano?

la DC-Democrazia Cristiana, il PSI- Partito Socialista Italiano, il PCI-Partito Comunista Italiano, il PRI- Partito Republicano Italiano ( e gli altri) decimati da arresti e avvisi di garanzia, decidono, in piena spirito da bancarottiero italiano, di cedere attivita', cambiare nome, e ricominciare come nulla fosse successo.

Noi ci ricordiamo quando Forza Italia non esisteva, e Berlusconi era l'amicone dei Socialisti. Noi ci ricordiamo della Lega Lombarda, e di Bossi che c'e' l'aveva duro, una pallottola per ogni magistrato e la Padania ai padani. Noi ci ricordiamo quando i comunisti prendevano soldi dalla Russia (al tempo USSR) e i democristiani dalla CIA degli Stati Uniti. Poi "la quercia, e l'Ulivo.

Ma non siamo qui per fare una lezione di storia.Ma per capire Il PD di adesso.. Chi sono? Cosa fanno in questo "non partito"? Quali abitudini e tradizioni si sono portati dietro? "segui i soldi" e' il mantra di ogni investigazione di base. Abbiamo trovato informazioni su PD di alcune citta' Italiane. Non abbiamo le risorse o conoscenze di contabilita'.lasciamo altri trarne le conclusioni.

< PoliticShit >

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Monday, October 7, 2019

Million Mask March 2019 event list

Anonymous Million Mask March 2019 event list (Will be updated as we confirm more locations) 

This is a full list of confirmed street events. We advise not to use any other places to get your information. Do you want to know if there is an event close to you? Find most event pages on Facebook and Twitter by typing "million mask march yourcity". Many organizers are also coming together in a Discord server: You can join there and meet other activists from your area. Also, times and locations might change last minute. Make sure you stay updated at the event pages listed. We understand many #Anonymous deleted #Facebook, but you can visit the event pages without having an account. Stay safe guys, let's make history together.

Events organized by #Anonymous HERE.

Friday, August 23, 2019

There is no official Anonymous

Anonymous does not have an official website or social media page, a headquarters, company or an Anonymous foundation.

The idea of Anonymous is open to anyone, it is a method of resistance. Anonymity keeps you safe and it amplifies you when you work with people using the same method. Anonymous as an idea is bulletproof and is decentralized. This means anything like an “official” thing contradicts it’s meaning.

If you come across this, avoid it, because you might be at risk. These actors could be there to just make money, but it could also be much worse. It is very possible that law enforcement or intelligence agencies are actively manipulating the public opinion of Anonymous. They could also be gathering private information of Anonymous activists or hacktivists.

Of course there are many fan pages on social media and many pages owned by legitimate activists, there are many websites as well. But if they are in support of the idea of Anonymous they will always make clear that they do not represent Anonymous as a whole, and they will never advertise a company or foundation.

Take note: After over a decade of operations, Anonymous has been clear about it’s methods. If at this point in time, actors try to convince you otherwise, this is a red flag and it shows they are assuming you to be ignorant and unaware of the meaning of Anonymous. Do not buy merchandise or donate because you believe you are supporting the work of the Anonymous collective. Considering they might be there to collect private information about you, it would be wise to avoid them and remove them from any places you are doing your work as well.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Anonymous have put thousands of Lega and Salvini emails online

It is 23 gigabytes of material downloaded a year and a half ago by Anonymous and which until now has been inaccessible

After a year of under-the-counter traffic and in anyone’s substantial indifference, the 23 gigabytes of emails stolen from the League in February 2018 re-emerge, which ended up in an explorable archive on the dark web, the anonymous network behind which black activists and markets are hidden.

The website, accessible only through the Torbrowser for anonymous browsing Tor, appeared before May 22, the first time it was seen online by Agi. The page consists of an ironic collage of photos of Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, under the gaze of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Below, the inscription “Leak Lega Nord and Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini”, both in English and in Russian, which suggests that Russian-speaking activists are hiding behind the initiative. Below the images appears the actual search engine, in which it is possible to search for a term both between the emails and the attached documents. The archive consists of tens of thousands of emails from the AnonPlus collective – linked to the Anonymous movement – in the spring of last year. At the time of the publication of the database (obtained from the computer systems of the sites of the League and of Salvini Premier) the hackers wrote on Twitter: “First trance of the downloaded database were not filtered or controlled to you the burden and the honor of doing so “.

Suggestion collected just in these days, with the publication of the entire collection of communications in a format that can be consulted using keywords. If in fact the information was available but difficult to consult – given the amount of unorganized files – today it is almost as easy to search for a term on Google.

The entire email database also contains the numerous communications sent by supporters of the leader of the League, including identity documents provided in requests for accreditation for party events and which could constitute a sensitive data since they reveal the political identity . Among the attachments, there is also the file used by the party organization to manage the agenda of the vice-president’s commitments, at the time engaged in the electoral campaign in view of the political elections of 4 March 2018.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Anonymous Comes to Town: Hackers Take On Sexual Assault In Ohio

A new documentary has revisited the case of a 16-year-old girl who was sexually assaulted in Steubenville, Ohio in 2012, and how Anonymous came to expose her abusers. The small Ohio town was well known for its high school sports teams, and the teams brought pride to the town. Although, as this case exposed, there are many extremely abusive people on these teams, and their crimes had been covered up by the town for a very long time.

The description for the documentary reads:

"The sleepy rustbelt town of Steubenville, Ohio, was once best known for high school sports and as the birthplace of Dean Martin. But when a teen sexual assault committed by two members of the football team surfaced, the shadowy hacker group Anonymous caught wind of the story and decided to intervene. After publishing videos and social media from the night of the assault to their millions of online followers, they sparked viral outrage and demands for #JusticeforJaneDoe. They unleashed a passionate mob and their actions divided the small town, but in the process gave strength to generations of women forced to hide abuse. This film asks, when it seems like nothing will change, when is it OK for outsiders to intervene?

Even after An0nymous exposed the crimes of these individuals, the people of the town still tried to cling to the legacy of the teams, and many of them were upset that more attention was being brought to the situation and their town. However, this was not a problem that is isolated to their town, this is a national, if not global problem. This is not something that is limited to just sports teams either, but it is true that the frat boy lifestyle is notorious for this type of abusive behavior." 

Photo from CNN

In the Steubenville case, two teenage members of the local football team raped a 16 year old girl and then laughed and bragged about it on video afterward. Anonymous obtained the video and published it for the world to see.

One of the themes of the new documentary “Anonymous Comes to Town” is that citizens of the town don’t believe that outsiders have the right to come in and try to intervene and fix their problems. However, there were in fact many members of the community who reached out to An0nymous to help bring about justice in the case, and the local police department was not doing what they should.

Anonymous was later vindicated though, when their protests emboldened generations of women in the town to speak up about similar abuse that took place and was ignored by the local police.

The director, Nancy Schwartzman, is a documentary maker, producer, and media strategist who uses storytelling and technology to create safer communities for women and girls. She also made a similar documentary on the same subject called Roll Red Roll.

One of the most alarming things about the case is the fact that one of the Anonymous hackers who exposed the rape case was sentenced to two years in prison, which is longer than the sentence that one of the rapists received. One of the suspects in the case received two years, and the other received a one year sentence. Meanwhile, the person who exposed their crimes, 29 year old Deric Lostutter, of Winchester, Kentucky received a two year sentence.

The sexual assault case was already getting local attention by that time, but KnightSec defaced the hacked website and left a message threatening to expose the names of those involved in the assault, and of various school and law enforcement officials, which the hackers believed had covered up the case. They followed through with their threats at the start of 2013, when they leaked videos from the night of the sexual assault, which they found stored on the hacked website. The videos sparked a wealth of interest in the case from national media, and KnightSec followed through with a series of interviews for CNN, Rolling Stones, and others,” Bleeping Computer reported. In a statement on Lostutter’s case issued by the Department of Justice, authorities claimed that the sentence was for conspiring to illegally access a computer without authorization and lying to an FBI agent.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Department of Police from UK was hacked in protest against the prison of Assange

Through twitter account @CyberGhost404 was released a relatively large data leak effecting over two dozen police agencies across the United Kingdom. Though the exact location where they originally stole the data from remains unknown, contained within a compressed zip file posted online are various spread sheets and Microsoft Excel documents from dozens of local police offices/branches across England; including information such as local records, press releases and ongoing court cases.

Data Download (44.14 MB zip):

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Anonymous Hacks/Leaks 4 Government Websites Across United Kingdom & United States

Through twitter account @An0nym0us_Esp leaked several database of 4 government affiliated websites across the United Kingdom and United States. This action is protest against the prison of Julian Assange, operations across the world is engaged using the hashtags: #FreeAssange, #OpAssange, #OpUK and #OpEcuador. Among the target were Ross-on-Wye Town Council, Exning Parish Council and Bedale Town Councilof the United Kingdom, as well as a small sample of email releases allegedly from the servers of

You can acess the database in the links below:



db: emails

Gov.usa emails

Monday, January 14, 2019

ACTA is back! What is it? #StopActa2

Despite the fact that this video is from 2012, its reality still strikes us today. According to the Article 13 of ACTA 2.0 (The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) pro-censorship law, internet providers will be able to decide the content of their users through upload filters. The provider will control and censor through checking all online activities of users on every uploaded video, photo, text.

Article 11 introduces a type of tax on links. Whenever we publish a link online, anywhere, we will have to pay for it to the original owner of it. It means we will be charged for any source we use or there will be difficulties using them by copyrights claimed on them. They include anything by threatening to destroy the internet culture, including music and memes, our collective culture as the World.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

#OpFrance: Anonymous strikes back the Government of French

We are the rebellion against an authoritarian society, against isolation and competition. We are the rebellion for another social and cultural reality. In the wake of global liberation attempts, the time is ripe for a decisive struggle that would no longer accept the pseudo-natural legitimacy of the system and seriously want to overcome it. We are looking for change for the liberation struggle, for a new way in which we can connect with others.

We will never forget the comrades, we want to especially remember those who decided to give everything in the struggle and died in it. Our memory and our full respect for those whose names we can not name because we do not know them.

We are Autonomen,
We are Ungovernable,
We are Action,
We do not forget our comrades,
Salut Anonymous Anarchist Agency